How I Moved On From My Divorce

Why Klutzy Women Are Attractive

When people set out for “types,” they generally set out for specific appearances, education backgrounds and heights.  However, the older you get, you realize that there are unintentional types you will unconsciously set out for and for me, that type involves klutzy women.

The first time revelation occurred to me was when I first met Sabrina years back on the free dating site.  Then we met at the bar, she lifted her drink the same time I had lifted mine and ended up elbowing me in the eye, causing me to spill my Jack and Coke all over myself.

“Are you a f*cking lefty?” I asked.

She looked at me with her huge brown doe eyes (that would later prove to be my kryptonite) and sheepishly nodded her head.  Although I wouldn’t know it since I was pissed off at the time, her klutziness would prove to ironically be one of her most attractive traits.

Over the span of our annoying on and off cyclical relationship, she never failed to amaze me by how utterly clumsy she is.  I have watched her in a department store slide into a perfume counter after tripping over her flip-flops.  I bit my lip from laughing when watching her accidentally get ash into her eye while having a post-coital smoke.  I also bit my lip to avoid crying when she kneed me in the nuts after switching “positions” in the sack and still to this very day, she always manages to bang her hip bone on every corner of furniture and doorknob–no matter how much space is around her.

You would think this would be enough to run for the hills, however I’m not ashamed to admit that klutziness is a real turn on for me and I will try my best to explain my reasons why without sounding like a creep:

They Exude A Child-Like Quality

So far, I’m not doing a good job with not looking like a creep, but I will try to explain myself quickly before you all think I’m a creepy pedophile.  By “child-like” quality, I mean klutzy women exude an innocent, youthful, playful and endearing quality about themselves.  For me, I find that to be quite attractive considering it’s so difficult to find women like when you live in an overcrowded and impatient city.

Typically They Are Creative Beauties

One of my theories as to why klutziness exists in women is due to their creative sides.  I always tease my girlfriend that she is too busy living in her head to notice the stairs on the stoop. (I have never gone through so many Band-Aids since dating her) I for one welcome this because I love creative women—even if they have a tendency to fall on their face in highly populated public places.

They’re Sexy And They DON’T Know It

Statistically speaking, I never met a clumsy woman who was a huge bitch–because life isn’t that kind.  How I wish to see a vain, bitchy lady fall over her high heels on the subway, but alas, it has never happened.  However, I do see a lot of beautiful and kind women who have no idea how beautiful they are accidentally spill their food over themselves or trip over a crack in the sidewalk. The reason for this is because typically clumsy women are too embarrassed over their klutziness to ever think there are men out there that find their “embarrassing” traits alluring.

They Generally Have A Good Sense Of Humor

When a woman is clumsy as hell, then she generally has a thick skin because she most likely has been teased about her clumsiness since she was a kid. Because of that, I find out a lot of these women have a great sense of humor and can take a few jabs at their personal expenses–which is a plus for most men who are used to dating sensitive women.

Call me a freak but I just find klutzy women are sexy as hell and you know what, a lot of men do too. So ladies, start embracing your accident-prone qualities because what you may see as a flaw can be a quirk a guy can’t possibly live without.

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