What distinguishes an Open Badge from a Blockcerts?

What distinguishes an Open Badge from a Blockcerts?

di Katia Presutti -
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Similar to degree parchment and self-certification, two ways to demonstrate acknowledgment are Blockcerts and Open Badges.

An Open Badge is a type of recognition that is represented as a PNG image with metadata that enables it to be associated with the owner and validated by the Open Badge issuing platform.

A recognition represented in Blockcerts is similar to a digital document; it may be read by an application (such as the Blockcerts Wallet or the Blockcerts Universal Validator application), interpreted, verified, and disclosed to others in the same way as a paper document with a header and signature.

An Open Badge includes a brief explanation of the demonstrated competency and a URL that outlines the standards used to verify it. The degree, the award date, the owner's name, and the signing seal of the awarding school are often the only details seen on a Blockcerts; however, the particular information may vary based on the organization's preferences.

From a technological perspective, the Open Badge 2.0 standard gives rise to the Blockcerts standard, which unifies it with Blockchain technology.

Every Blockcerts has an Open Badge available on Bestr. Bestr provides a web page containing the full text of the award, from which you may download the Open Badge and any applicable Blockcerts.

Each graduate is free to decide whether to share.