The course is an introduction to the structures of the English language and its spread in the world. It offers an overview of the historical development of English, of its main geographical varieties in the world, of its functions in various social contexts and of the historical, political and cultural reasons which explain its current international role. Then the course describes in detail English phonology, morphology and syntax, lexis and phraseology, providing contrastive insights into the main differences from Italian.
This course deals with 3 main themes, aiming at the analysis of the use of English in present-day communication. The first theme focuses on corpus linguistics, its main concepts and the application of this methodology to the study of specialized vocabulary, to the making of specialized glossaries and to the understanding of the discourse strategies adopted by companies or organizations in web communication. The second theme deals with mutimodal communication of companies and organizations for the construction of their own identity or for the spread of "fake news". The third theme addresses the theoretical principles developed for the analysis of crises involving companies, political and social events.