Opzioni di iscrizione

Labour law course will be held by prof. Rogowsky (36 Hours) and prof. Pacchiana Parravicini (18 hours).

It will go through those main topics

Week 1

Global labour law: An introduction

The sources of labour law

Week 2

History and overview of EU labour law

Free movement of workers and persons in EU law

Week 3

EU law on employment protection

EU antidiscrimination Law

Week 4

European Employment Strategy

The European Social Pillar

Week 5

European Social Dialogue

Comparative labour courts

Week 6

International labour law

The future of global labour law

Weeks 7

Cases examination: Rule of Collective bargaining in sources of labour law

Week 8

Cases examination: Discrimination

Week 9

Cases examination: transfer of undertakings, individual and collective dismissals
Iscrizione spontanea (Student)
Iscrizione spontanea (Student)