Ethnography, positions, emotions, power and much more
Starting from questions and reflections of some compañeras, I would like to open this space of dialogue on some important topics in anthropology.
Our bodies, our skin color, our sex and gender, our nationalities, our way of talking and many other categories, even not visible, impose some dynamics of power and of positioning on the situations that we are living and on others people with whom we are interacting. These categories are historically and culturally constructed but are dynamic too, we can always negotiate them, having some space to change our positioning.
The process of positioning within the community in which I do fieldwork is central, and I must be aware that it will be always a negotiated process and is often subject to change over time.
Anthropology has reflected a lot on this theme, we could start from this famous and somewhat shocking article: Grief and a Headhunter’s Rage Renato Rosaldo
It could be really nice if you would like to share some thoughts, experiences, links, articles, material or doubts with the class about this, or related topic.