Research Labor Economics: Week 4 Material and Problem Set 3

Research Labor Economics: Week 4 Material and Problem Set 3

GaribaldiPietro -

Dear students,

I did upload in moodle the Competitive Search handout for week 4. I also uploaded the class notes of last week.

Since you have all the math in handouts, in class we will try to work out the various models together without looking at the handouts , similarly to what  we did during last class. I tend to believe that it is better exercise for your long run  learning of  search models.

Of course we are slowing down a bit, and we will not be able to do all the topics I had in mind. We will need to choose for week 5 whether to work on "on the job search models" or on "temporary contracts". We will discuss it in class. 

I also uploaded problem set 3. I do realize that the problem sets are challenging. But that is what they are meant to be.!  In general, I rather prefer to receive your full exercise with  1 or 2 days delay that you handing in a rough answer. 

We also need to start thinking about a possible date for December internal workshop. 

See you later, Pietro g.