Enrolment options


This lab will offer an overview of the basic quantitative tools for analysis of data applied to Economic development and Cooperation.

It will focus both on theory (in particular on econometrics) and practice (software for data analysis). With respect to the practical part, we will use the software STATA, which the students enrolled to this course can freely download and use (instructions will be provided).

The following topics will be covered:

- Data management and basic statistics in STATA
- OLS: introduction, assumptions & applications
- Causal inference, difference-in-differences & programme evaluation
- Instrumental Variables
- Analysis of panel data (just an introduction, if you survive the previous topics!)
- Introduction to non-linear models (covered depending on time constraints)

Information on how you can enrol to this course are reported here (section "notes"): https://www.didattica-cps.unito.it/do/corsi.pl/Show?_id=7ama

Enjoy the course!
P. Conzo
M. Sanfilippo
A. Moresi
Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)