Section: Clip 1 - Bestr Ecosystem UniTo | Bestr Ecosystem: Digital Credentials for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning | SME

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Clip 1 - Bestr Ecosystem UniTo

  • Clip 1 - Bestr Ecosystem UniTo

    The University of Turin has a digital certification system based on the Open Badge valid in terms of knowledge, thought as academic and personal skills acquired by students. Open Badges are digital certifications of disciplinary knowledge, soft skills and technical skills acquired. Open Badges is not a specific product or platform, but a type of digital badge that is verifiable, portable, and packed with information about skills and achievements. The Open Badge is a digital attestation that collects information used in the recognition of the person's skills, knowledge and soft skills that the person possesses. The Open badge is a personal, secure certification tool, easily spendable on social channels and verified in real time, which is used according to the standard. The badge has been consulted and learned by institutions or companies and can receive the endorsement of all the entities that recognize its value, promoting connections between companies, trainers and students. Further information:
    UniTo applies the Recommendation of the Council of the European Union (EU) of 16/05/2022 for an approach to micro-digital credentials for lifelong learning and employability