Classes of Week 5

Classes of Week 5

di Pietro Garibaldi -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear students,

In principle in week 5 we should do 4 hours since my teaching load is 24 hours for this course. 

Unfortunately on Tuesday at 3 p.m. I need to attend a funeral.

I am thus askying you if you agree to have a 4 hour class on Monday 15 so that we conclude the course on Monday. This implies that we can meet on monday 4-530; 540-625 and 6:30-715.

It is a bit tough schedule but it can make sense. Otherwise we will have an extra hour the following monday.

Please reply to me in private at or if you agree with this tough schedule. Please write to me if you CAN’T make it.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please let mw know, Pietro