Wednesday, 3 July 2024, 8:31 PM
Site: Scuola di Management e Economia
Course: Bestr Ecosystem: Digital Credentials for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning (Bestr_digital credentials)
Glossary: Digital Credentials


Badge is a technological open standard, initiated by Mozilla Foundation (OBI - Open Badges Infrastructure) and developed by an active international community. The Open Badge standard is used all over the world in the most different organizations.

Open Badges look like images, readable by every computer, but those images also contain metadata about the competencies that each specific badge represents and about the person that owns it. Every badge is unique and, if read by a system that supports OBI, tells the story of its owner: 

  • name and surname, 
  • the date of acquisition, 
  • the competency that it represents, in which way this competency has been acquired and assessed,
  • who assessed it and, in case, for how long that competency is valid. All verifiable in real time from every system supporting OBI.

An Open Badge has a strong communication power due to the visual component represented by the image. An Open Badge is portable because any system supporting the standard can read its metadata: thus it can be verified by calling upon the platform who issued it.


Italian digital credentialing platform to valorize competencies growing in the higher education system and connect them with employers.



Blockcerts is an open standard designed by MIT Media Lab to digitally express a certificate and record it on a blockchain, so that it is always verifiable without any need to call for the issuing organization or platform.

The Blockcerts standard builds on the Open Badge 2.0 standard and connects it to blockchain technologies. Bestr writes its Blockcerts on the public Ethereum blockchain, using hashing and merkle-tree systems to ensure the lowest number of transactions and the highest level of privacy.

Bestr is the first italian platform implementing the Blockcerts standard. Thus Bestr becomes a Digital Credentialing System, where titles and competencies can be represented with the most apt digital tool. Blockcerts are available on Bestr since 2019, you can see all the issuing organizations in the Blockcerts Public Key Registry

Blockcerts Public Key Registry

It' s a registry for all Universities and Institutions who possess a Public key to assign blockcerts. 

Since 2023 Università degli Studi di Torino has a Public Key