Tuesday, 23 July 2024, 12:56 PM
Site: Scuola di Management e Economia
Course: Bestr Ecosystem: Digital Credentials for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning (Bestr_digital credentials)
Glossary: Digital Credentials


A learner is always learning, always growing, always going forward on a professional path.
The life-long & life-wide learner is the core of Bestr at the university or on the job, at school or for fun,  the learner gets competencies continuously - on Bestr they can be valorized and certified, independently from the learning context, as the learner meets companies and trainers who value them.

Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning or LLL ( permanent training or permanent learning or continuous learning) is an intentional individual process that aims at the acquisition of roles and skills and which involves a relatively stable change over time. This process has the objective of modifying or replacing learning that is no longer adequate concerning new social or work needs, in the professional or personal field.

The term "lifelong learning" means education throughout life, from birth to death, that education that begins even before school and continues until after retirement.

Lifewide learning

(education and training that embrace all aspects of life), which underlines the concept that training can take place in all areas, and at any stage of existence.